Weekly Review - Sep 21st

by InnerSphereNews in [ Inner Sphere News ] on, Sep 21, 2012 1:00 PM UTC 6  comments

Weekly Review – Sep 21st

Another week come and gone, it seems like we've been doing this for years doesn't it? Strange to think our own forums aren't even a year old yet. Anyway, on to our recap!

Monday! - Ask the Devs 17 - Answers goes up. Then on Wednesday - pow, right hook of part 1 of the Jordan Weisman interview, and then later we had Bryan Ekman LIVE on No Guts No Galaxy! That was actually quite a lot of fun to listen to, and I'm hoping we can do more of it. Maybe with someone else this time - who would be a good choice? Anyway, then on Thorsday, I mean Thursday we had the most cunning and tricky of Light Mechs highlighted in our weekly screenshot, the Raven! I love the Raven, it is my favourite light Mech to run about in. I know, I know, Jenner fan right? But there's just something about the Raven.. I'm not sure what it is. Either way, she's a beauty, and makes for a fantastic screenshot.

So, we'll see you next week! If you have any suggestions for, say, people to go over to the No Guts No Galaxy guys for a chat, or a screenshot idea, let us know.

Thanks for tuning in, and we hope you all have a great weekend!

The MechWarrior Online Team