Age Doesn't Equal Stability

by InnerSphereNews in [ Inner Sphere News ] on, Aug 13, 2012 1:00 PM UTC 24  comments

Age Doesn’t Equal Stability

(13 August 3049)

I’m havin’ a hard time knocking this one out. I keep laughin’ so hard it’s fouling up my typing. Just saw this on the latest newsfeeds off Atreus: “‘Architectural Spotlight: House of Government’; Buildings in Continual Use Since Free Worlds League Founded in 2271.”

Now don’t spin me wrong, gents. By any reckonin’, that’s mighty impressive. After all, we’re marching towards eight centuries of blowhards yellin’ at each other in that purple room of theirs. So I’m not badmouthing the builders…those blue-collars knew what they were about. Thinking they had some serious Roman-blood pumpin’ in their veins.

Yet the vibe of the article (okay, I admit it, got a soft spot for ancient buildings) is one of pride. “See, our government building is the oldest such building in use across the entire Inner Sphere. So that must make us great.”

That’s where the lip twitchin’ comes in. ‘Cause the only thing making them great is that the empire is still in one piece despite how many times they’ve been at each other’s throats with knives, pitchforks and barrels of boilin’ oil. Come on, in the 31st century alone they’ve had Anton Marik’s Civil War and the Andurien Secession!

Now why am I talkin’ architecture to mercs? ‘Cause longevity doesn’t mean squat. Look at Wilson’s Hussars…no sorrier lot of misfits around, yet they keep scraping out a living and making every C-bill scream.

So if you’re gonna take a job with the League, don’t believe their hype about them being the very first Great House…they crack easier than any façade. They just happen to have some mighty fine stucco to slather on the faults to keep it sputtering along…but don’t be surprised if you get plastered along the way. (Oh, I know…shut up!).

Keep it locked and loaded, gents.

—Jacob Hardenson, MercNet